
  • City of Melissa, TX
    (The Official Melissa City Website)
    (Ancestry helps you understand your genealogy. A family tree takes you back generations—the world’s largest collection of online records makes it possible.
    (Trace your ancestors’ unique story and your family tree with help of the GenForum community and research archives on
  • Melissa Chamber of Commerce
    (The Official Melissa Chamber of Commerce website)
  • Family Search
    (FamilySearch is an international, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping all people discover their family story.)
    (The World’s largest gravesite collection. Contribute, create and discover gravesites from all over the world.)
  • Melissa, TX Wikipedia Entry
    (Entry about Melissa on Wikipedia)
  • Family Tree Magazine
    (Learn how to build your family tree with genealogy tips, free charts and forms, what to do with DNA tests, family history projects and more!)